The Correct Way to Upload Your Book

- Make sure your book is formatted correctly in .DOC or .HTML form
- Proof every section of your eBook multiple times!
- Make sure you close ALL hyperlinks, if using HTML (e.g. </ a>)
- Do not use Tables or Footnotes in your Content.
- Never include your Cover Photo in your HTML document
- Use a Kindle Formatting method compatible with Amazon’s new Kindle formatting:
- Kinstant Formatter (currently $27.00 USD)
- Kindle Format 8 – Amazon’s own, free Kindle formatting tool. Use this one if you are including graphics, illustrations or photographs in your book content.
- Kindle Gen – Amazon’s simpler, free Kindle formatter.
NB: Do not use Calibri: It no longer works well with Kindle’s new parameters
- Create “Look Inside” sample pages
- Decide whether or not you want to publish your book through KDP Select
- Set up an Author Central account. Add your first book listing to Amazon’s Directory under your name or pen name
- Go to “Bookshelf” and select “Add new title”. Enter your book name
- Fill out the Description
- Leave the publication date blank; ditto ISBN number (unless you have your own publication company)
Wait at least 3-4 days before beginning promotion.
Once your book is written – it’s time to market it.
Here’s a Book Promo Toolkit that you won’t want to miss: