Writing a “101 Tips” or “101 Ideas for…” Book
Writing a 101 tips book is possibly the easiest type of book you can write. Research consists of gleaning tip after tip from multiple sources, all focused on your one topic, which is determined by your Title and Subtitle.
In order to make your book especially potent, however, follow these tips:
- Don’t just dump your tips into your eBook any old how: First, organize them into categories.
Then weed out the duplicates.
- Deliberately include three categories of tips (for your reference only: Your reader should just be aware of a strong, well-balanced mix)… Basic tips for that topic everyone needs to know (and in many cases, probably does know.. but your basic tip will reassure the latter category of reader that you know what you’re talking about)Lesser-known tips that are potentially highly valuable – the sort of tip that can make the reader say: “Wow. It was worth buying the book just for that tip!”“Insider” tips that the reader would never have found out through regular channels. For this, you either need a mastery of the topic yourself or you need to interview someone who is a master, or who has simply done the thing your reader is struggling to learn.
- Make sure your tips are “presented” nicely in strong, short sentences. Don’t ramble. Don’t use “fluff’ words or unnecessary “filler” phrases that distract from your point.
“If you want to try this little tip, you could always squeeze lemon juice on bits of apple to really prevent things like some discoloration” does not sound half as authoritative and definite as: “To stop apples turning brown, sprinkle cut slices with lemon juice.”
And, of course, never, EVER lift tips verbatim from other sources (including PLR). If you do quote other sources directly, be up front about it and credit every source in your Acknowledgements or Appendix… or even arrange your tips by source, using the source as a subhead. For example:

Once your book is written – it’s time to market it.
Here’s a Book Promo Toolkit that you won’t want to miss: